When Star Trek becomes a cult religion and gets banned from Earth, Fry and the gang promise Leonard Nimoy they’ll collect the old VHS Tapes from a forbidden planet and restore hope for the future. What alien STD’s did Shatner and Leela exchange? Why didn’t Allie write any bars for Welshie? All Power to the Engines! beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

When the Enterprise tracks down a rogue band of Space Hippies, Star Trek gets baked out of its mind and takes a big swing at the counterculture movements of the 1960’s. Why haven’t we eaten the rich yet? Is the grass greener on the other religion? Do you reach, man?

When Shari Lewis puts down her puppets, the Enterprise bumps into a corporeal life form who just want to be where the people are so much that they’re killing everyone in their path to find some bodies. Did they kill the Zetarians or are they just off terrorizing more people? Did Scotty’s new love just get dropped off at the library never to be seen again?

Cut from Episodes 62 (The Paradise Syndrome w/ Dr. Mohamed Noor) & 66 (Day of the Dove w/ X. Ho Yen). Did Sarah remember to press record for this incredible interview? X talks about racism and culture in Trek and beyond, and Sarah comes clean about a recent Starfleet Academy Cadet Challenge fuckup.

When Star Trek takes a swing at the “overpopulation problem”, Kirk is kidnapped and used to introduce a deadly STD into the population. The writers even kicked both sterilization and prophylactics past the 1960’s censor goalpost. Is Earth spiraling toward overpopulation? Are we prepared to make difficult decisions for the survival of our species?

When Star Trek revisits the Plane’arium storyline, the proverbial inmates have taken over the asylum led by a shapeshifting madman. Once again questions of rehabilitation, medication, and individual rights and liberty come to the fore. What effect does this new medication have on the inmate? Do inmates have the right of refusal of “care” in Star Trek?