When Star Trek trades in Cowboy Diplomacy for Marriage Diplomacy, Sarah and Allie find themselves in a very discomforting place. Why is the Federation forcing this woman to go through with the diplomatic marriage she doesn’t want? Why are the Klingons even in this episode? What even are those stones in that necklace, anyway?

When Kirk and the Gang find the missing scientists dead, they also discover some cousins of the bootyheads from the pilot. With a sun going nova imminent, can good ol’ human emotion save a planet full of mute aliens that we only ever see one of? Did they even try saving any of the other aliens on the other planets in this system? Why don’t people just ask for help?

Cut from Episodes 62 (The Paradise Syndrome w/ Dr. Mohamed Noor) & 66 (Day of the Dove w/ X. Ho Yen). Did Sarah remember to press record for this incredible interview? X talks about racism and culture in Trek and beyond, and Sarah comes clean about a recent Starfleet Academy Cadet Challenge fuckup.

Cut from Episodes 62 (The Paradise Syndrome w/ Dr. Mohamed Noor) & 66 (Day of the Dove w/ X. Ho Yen). Did Sarah remember to press record for this incredible interview? X talks about racism and culture in Trek and beyond, and Sarah comes clean about a recent Starfleet Academy Cadet Challenge fuckup.