While Riker endulges in some holoporn, an alien race of non-binaries hijack the D in order to save their homeworld. But when Picard drops into the Holodeck and ruins the mood, both Riker and Picard are held hostage by a Real Doll.

Leonard Crofoot (Trent) joins us for this review and discussion of TNG’s “Angel One”!

When the Enterprise visits a matriarchal society while looking for survivors from a Federation freighter, they find themselves in the middle of a gender revolution. But when the survivors refuse to leave, Trent’s Angels sentence them to death. How hard is it for a society to adapt? How hard is Riker in Mistress Beata’s bed?

The Enterprise visits the old farm where Data grew up, hoping to learn about Data’s past. But when Star Trek introduces an “Adam and Stuart Chandler” dynamic into this Soap Opera in Space, the crew face almost certain destruction. Do androids have SSD’s? Is it really that bad to hard shutdown your android? Is Lore also “fully functional”?

Adam Nimoy, former lawyer and director (ST:TNG “Rascals” and “Timescape”) talks about his new book, “The Most Human: Reconciling With My Father, Leonard Nimoy”. Adam discusses the cycles of difficult relationships between fathers and sons, the cycles of addiction, how playing Spock impacted Leonard’s parenting, and shares how the tools of 12 Step Recovery helped both he and Leonard find ways to reconcile in Leonard’s final years.

Bill Riker’s hard-on gets crushed when Deanna Troi’s long lost fiance shows up, but before any knots can be tied, an old plauge ship shows up threatening to give everyone small pox. Will the wedding go on? How many Steve Miller Band jokes can one podcast make?

When Q offers Riker an invitation to join the cult, Riker is tempted. But when the power starts corrupting absolutely, Picard and crew must remind Riker of his humanity. Would you have saved that dead child? And what was a child doing at a mining operation, anyway? Doesn’t the Federation have child labor laws?