A transporter malfunction sends Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura to an alternate universe filled with distrust, espionage, assassinations, and some midriff uniforms. Spock is consistently logical and Uhura is a total badass in any universe!

A transporter malfunction sends Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura to an alternate universe filled with distrust, espionage, assassinations, and some midriff uniforms. Spock is consistently logical and Uhura is a total badass in any universe!

When Spock gets the 7 year itch, Kirk must return his friend to Vulcan to marry his betrothed. But T’Pring’s been riding Stonn on the side, and the only way out of the engagement is to make Kirk and Spock fight to the death? I’m glad my first marriage wasn’t so hard to get out of!

While investigating a strange rock donut portal, McCoy, OD’d on space molly, leaps back in time and butterfly effects the Federation’s very existence away.  To put things right, Kirk and Spock go back in time to stop McCoy from getting the Sports Almanac and ruining the future.  It’s the episode that that puts Roddenberry’s hopeful vision of the future front and center in stark contrast with 1930’s Depression-era New York.

Allie’s back from the Star Trek Cruise with loads of stories to tell!  In this bonus 2 Hour Patron Exclusive episode, Allie regales Sarah with tales from the cruise and we play some clips from various happenings on the cruise as well!  Only available to Patrons, bonus content like this is one of the ways we like to say “thanks” for supporting the show!