Kirk & crew drop in to an isolated Earth outpost only to find it bombed out. Later, in what felt like a completely different episode, GORNS! The Metrons force Captains Kirk and Sleestack to work their shit out with a good ol’ Star Trek fight instead of talking it out because #WagonTrainToTheStars.

Did Star Trek predict Winamp visualizations? Are the Metrons really as advanced as they claim to be? Is Kirk a micromanager?

Greetings and Felicitations! The Enterprise crew encounter yet another petulant child with crazy powers. This week’s #StarfleetChallenge asked “Trelane’s device is thought to have foreshadowed what future Star Trek tech?” Did Allie and I get it right? Is Trelane Q’s great-great-grandpappy? Is it fair to judge humanity based on old data about a narrow range of events in our past? Some of these questions get answered this week on Humanist Trek 019 “The Squire of Gothos”.

Seven crew members embark on a shuttle mission – never a smart move in the #StarTrek universe – and this is the episode that sets that standard as the Galileo 7 become the Galileo 5 when the monster-of-the-week starts taking out crewmen. Why is everyone still obsessed with burials in the future? Are officers not trained to show a little respect to their CO? All these MFers are racis

In a world where unrestrained capitalism pushes us to exhaustion, it’s important to unplug, unwind, and practice self care. Also true for burnt out #Enterprise crew. But when a mall Easter Bunny, the Black Knight, and Don Juan show up with a gun under a rock a relaxing day in #StarTrek paradise becomes a nightmare. Who says “he’s dead, Jim” when McCoy dies? Why was Shatner sad that he didn’t get to film with the tiger?

When the Enterprise encounters Romulan Sarek they’re launched into submarine warfare. Do Romulans believe in reincarnation? And just why are they wearing those stupid helmets, anyway? Are you being a dick when you say “everything happens for a reason?”